Dapper Kitty...he's so handsome. Always in attendance at the midnight grass party, all nine lives intact, each swing of his tail an invitation to adventure. Champion bare-paw fighter, his moustache is always neatly groomed and never a whisker out of place. He thinks it tacky to enter a room before any molly. His awesomeness needs no clowder.
A lone and agile hunter, he has a collection of rare birds, each caught in a single pounce and kept hidden away behind his favorite butcher shop, where he is greeted daily by a stroke to the spine and a bowl of cream. On occasion, he leaves a sparrow on the doorstep as a thank you to the man with the strong hands and soft heart.
Crepuscular strolls make his eyes shine bright, scaring away would-be predators. Should one have the gall to get within scratching distance, Dapper Kitty simply makes himself twice his size, emits a hellish howl, and scares away his competition. With a lick to the paw and a rub to his face, Dapper Kitty turns around and heads back home, putting another daily adventure in the books, and looking forward to what the next day brings...hoping for a nice sunray bath to wash away the mustiness of the night.
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