Friday, May 4, 2012

Life of Pi

I read Yann Martel's Life of Pi almost ten years ago.  I loved it so much I constantly think about it and recommend it to everyone who asks for reading suggestions.  Those who have taken my advice have loved it as well.

There was talk of a film adaptation for a long time but the problem was in directing: no one wanted the job (which would be daunting, as 90% of the book takes place at sea). Finally, after much speculation of Jean-Pierre Jeunet (!!!) heading the film, it was Ang Lee who got the job and things finally started happening.  Film production had been on hold for a long, long time but finally, the film is in post-production and due for release this December!!!

If you have no idea what the book is about, here is a quick summary:
Indian boy named Pi, after a horrific boat accident, winds up stranded on a life boat with a tiger named Richard Parker.  An incredible bond is developed between tiger and boy, out of mutual respect. Pi's story is not only intense, but also incredibly beautiful as he struggles with his own understanding of life and the philosophies of religion: he is raised a Hindu, but strongly wants to belong to many different religions and beliefs all at the same time.

It is beautifully written by Martel, so much so that it remains one of my favorites after so many years...and will continue to be for many more to come.

This is the FIRST PEEK at Pi and Richard Parker on film! I am majorly nerding out over this!
Go read it.  Now.

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