Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Baba Yaga

Here is a list of common factors in most Baba Yaga stories, as they vary over time and region:

- She is a witch
- She eats children
- Her hut stands on chicken legs, and moves around at Baba's will
- The hut is surrounded by a fence made of human bones and skulls
- Baba makes her rounds in a mortar and pestle
- She does NOT like being asked questions

Should you ever encounter Baba Yaga in the woods, turn your eyes to the ground and allow her to pass you before continuing on your way...unless you want to get yourself eaten or stomped to death by her hut.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

The Help

There is this thing that happens to me after I finish reading a really good book.  I'm not exactly sure if it has a name but it consists of a vacant feeling; a hollowness that is not anatomical.  Almost as if my senses keep expecting to be stimulated, yet that thing that they have gotten regular doses of has gone and they keep searching for it.  The feeling lingers for days and is not distracting but I find it to be incredibly strange. This happened again after I finished reading The Help.  Luckily for my senses, there is a film version to feed the "addiction" a little while longer. Hope it is half as good as the book.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Gloria Steinem

I have nothing but admiration and gratitude for this woman.  She is on the top of my list of women who would leave me momentarily speechless if we ever met.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Fox illustrations are showing up all over the place, and I just found it hard to resist posting some of my favorites.
This is a print by Society 6, hanging on my wall at the moment.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Friday Night Lights

Fabulous Friday

Best Coast- Our Deal

List of reasons why I love this video:
1. iCarly is in it
2. The girl from Whip It/Arrested Development is in it
3. Hit Girl is in it
4. Drew Barrymore directed it
5. Best Coast
6. I LOVE Romeo and Juliet stories


Thursday, August 4, 2011

Lykke Li at The Greek

The goddess and all her passion made for a wonder night under the open sky. Also, in case you did not know...when you attend a show that did not sell out, go to the box office and ask for an upgrade. We got upgraded from the Terrace down to row D, 4th row from the pit. The view could not be more perfect, but I wish my camera was.